Purchase profile
We will be happy to discuss properties with you even beyond the aforementioned criteria.
Residential & commercial buildings
- Berlin/Potsdam (all locations)
- Berliner Umland (Glienicke Nordbahn, Oranienburg, Ahrensfelde,
Dallgow-Döberitz, Falkensee, Groß Glienicke, Fahrland u.a.) - Leipzig (all locations)
- Halle (all locations)
- Dresden (all locations)
Gern besprechen wir mit Ihnen auch außerhalb der obigen Kriterien lokalisierte Liegenschaften und Grundstücke.
Property criteria
15 residential units, 30% of which are used for commercial purposes in need of renovation and modernization, property in historically protected neighborhoods
Purchase factors
Maximum purchase price € 5,000,000.00 per individual property, rental factors dependent on the condition, location, and type of property (maximum of 22 factors)
Properties for the development of multi-house dwellings
Berlin (outskirts)
Berliner environs (Glienicke Nordbahn, Oranienburg, Ahrensfelde, Dallgow-Döberitz, Falkensee, Groß Glienicke, Fahrland etc.)
Leipzig (all locations)
Halle (all locations)
Property criteria
With and without a construction plan, with and without building permission, unencumbered building site
Purchase factors
Maximum purchase price of € 2,000,000.00 per property
Properties with and without existing buildings for the implementation of urban development
- Berlin (outskirts)
Berliner environs (Glienicke Nordbahn, Oranienburg, Ahrensfelde, Dallgow-Döberitz, Falkensee, Groß Glienicke, Fahrland etc.)
Property criteria
With and without a construction plan, with and without building permission, provision of local public transportation preferable, also former barracks areas
Purchase factors
Maximum purchase price of € 4,000,000.00 per property
In general, we try to look at your property offer as quickly as possible. In individual cases, we are happy to assure you of confidentiality in advance by means of written agreement. This purchase profile does not constitute an offer to conclude a brokerage contract or a guarantee of a commission payment. A compensation claim is only established on the basis of a separate written agreement (commission agreement). An expression of interest can be made by in writing by submitting an offer.